We'll, this past weekend was a big one! rob and I drove back to the GTA to visit family and friends before we leave for 2-3 years on a work placement in Sydney, Australia. According to My Blog, the last time I posted anything new here was back in 2010, and I am breathing new life into this blog to keep everyone up to date on our newest international adventure. I found it to be super helpful keeping a blog during our travels last time because not only did it force me to find extra interesting info to record about the places we visited, but it also gave me material to use in a self-published book I made when we got back to Canada.
As you may have guessed from the title of this blog, Rob and I are at it again. We are heading to the land Down Under to work and experience a whole new area of the world including, hopefully, Countries in Asia, New Zealand, Tasmania, and more!
I will be keeping everyone up to date here on the blog, so stay tuned!
Today we got back from our family/friend goodbye visit, which was both wonderful and sad. It's odd to think that we won't be seeing the people we love for a few years, but at the same time, technology will allow us to keep in touch and a couple of people have even vowed to visit while we are there!
The saddest thing for me has been saying goodbye to our 4 year old dog, Rila; the puppy we got after our return from our last galavant in Europe and named after the Rila Monestary in Bulgaria. She will be staying with Rob's sister and her family and I'm sure she will have a fantastic time with the children and be well taken care of, but I'm still sad leaving her behind.
We have been packing up our lives and trying to stay as organized as possible with lists and agendas. The flights are booked, our temporary accommodations are arranged, and before we know it we will be on a long-haul flight to Sydney Australia.
Wish us luck, everyone, and stay in touch! Much love, Tara and Robert Phillips