Well we had an interesting experience this morning. Had a good night's sleep and my parents drove us to the airport. Thank goodness we had everything organised ahead of time!
Got to the airport in great time and were early for check in at Pearson Airport. Which was probably better since Rob got ID checked... again. Apparently he's on a watch list. Or his name is, anyway. The woman working for Air Canada was VERY nice and everything got cleared eventually.
Took our trip through US customs (we're stopping in Boston to switch from Air Canada to Iceland Air... yay saving an extra $200) and found someones wallet there. How Canadian of us to turn it in!
Anyway, we're now waiting in the US departures terminal, which is TINY. Neither Rob nor I have ever been in a terminal so small.
Also, it's giving me a chance to try out this whole free WiFi thing that Pearson has just employed. I'm interested in exploring the possibilities of being constantly connected wherever I am. I plan to fully take advantage of my new laptop and it's capabilities.
Next stop, Boston, then on to Reykjavik, Iceland and our awesome hotel!
I'm so pumped you guys are blogging the experience! Woot! It will be like you never left... almost.