Saturday, August 7, 2010

The Eve of our great move...

Well, this blog was created for the purpose of our wedding back in May. Since then, Rob and I have been blissfully busy with work and moving and all the millions of other things that come along with being a newly wed couple. And now our biggest adventure yet is upon us: We move to Europe tomorrow.
It's a large undertaking getting everything organized for such a venture, and all the work that both Rob and I have put into it is finally paid off. Hopefully. We'll see once we get into the country...
We're moving to Rijswijk, Holland for 5 months. Rob is attending Erasmus Business School in Rotterdam on Exchange from Rotman School of Business, and I'm tagging along for the ride. During this time, we're planning to hit up as many countries as we can and experience as much of Europe as it will allow us.
It just so happens that a few of our friends will be traveling Europe within our time frame so we'll have the chance to visit and explore with them as well.
I would really like to keep a travel journal going about we're we went, what we did, ate, saw, experienced and what we wish we'd had more time to do. I'm hoping to post pictures of our adventures to keep everyone back home up-to-date on our travels.
Moving to a new country for an extended period of time with someone you love is going to be great, but it will probably be a new page in the relationship books for us as a couple as well... I've been told that a big test in a relationship is how well you travel together, so this could get interesting ladies and gentleman.
We're thinking positive and are very much looking forward to our morning flight into Iceland, the first stop on our cross-continental journey. We land tomorrow night and are staying at a hotel called Room with a View.
Can't wait to see the view!

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